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Imagine having an efficient heating system that fits perfectly into your home even when wall space is limited. Welcome to the world of floor heat pumps – a versatile and cost-effective solution tailored to meet your specific heating needs. With unique features such as a low positioning for direct heat dispersal and the flexibility to be set up anywhere in your home due to easily hidden cables and pipes, floor heat pumps are becoming a popular choice for many homeowners. Offering the high quality and reliability of acclaimed brands such as Mitsubishi, Daikin, Panasonic, and Fujitsu, these units are designed to provide comfortable living all year round. Whether you’re battling summer heat or grappling with winter chill, a Floor-mounted heat pump from FAS Energy will be the right choice for you.

Cost-Effective Floor Heat Pumps

Understanding Floor Heat Pumps

What are Floor Heat Pumps?

Floor heat pumps, also known as floor console heat pumps, are heating and cooling devices that are installed at floor level in homes or offices. Unlike high wall heat pumps that are fixed onto your wall, floor units disperse heat at a level that directly warms you. Their compact design and flexibility of installation make them a desirable option for many homeowners.

Benefits of Floor Heat Pumps

Floor heat pumps come with several advantages that make them a valuable investment. First, they’re excellent for homes with high windows or limited wall space, as they can be installed almost anywhere in the room. They offer improved heat distribution at a level that directly impacts you, providing a warm and comfortable environment. Floor Heat Pumps work out as a cost-effective alternative, especially for people looking to replace outdated heating systems such as fireplaces, gas heaters, and log burners.

How do Floor Heat Pumps work?

Like all heat pumps, floor heat pumps work by transferring heat from one area to another. They absorb heat from outside and bring it inside during cold weather, while during hot weather, they do the exact opposite. Considering their level of installation, the heat or cool air is dispersed directly to areas where it will be felt instantly, ensuring efficient warming or cooling of your space.

Comparing Floor Heat Pumps with High Wall Heat Pumps

Operational differences

Operational differences between floor heat pumps and high wall heat pumps mainly boil down to the height at which they disperse heat or cool air. While high wall heat pumps distribute from a higher point, usually above window height, floor heat pumps release air at floor level. This makes floor heat pumps more efficient at quickly warming or cooling rooms as the air reaches you directly at your level.

Installation differences

The main difference between floor heat pumps and high wall heat pumps lies in their installation. High wall heat pumps require wall space and are typically installed on a wall above window height. Conversely, floor heat pumps require floor space and can easily be installed under the floor with cables and pipes running discreetly beneath.

Cost differences

Generally, the cost of a floor heat pump might be somewhat higher than high wall models because of the extra labor involved in the installation. However, it’s worth considering the cost over the long-term, where floor heat pumps might prove to be more economical due to their energy efficiency and lower operating costs.

Cost-Effective Floor Heat Pumps

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Floor Heat Pump

Size of the heating area

The size of the area you wish to heat or cool significantly impacts the type and size of the heat pump you choose. Larger rooms may require larger units or even multiple units.

Your budget

Budget is a significant factor when choosing a floor heat pump. Consider the cost of purchase, installation, and running the heat pump over time. Although there might be a higher upfront cost, the energy savings over time could offset this.

Wall space and room layout

The availability of wall space and the layout of your room also play a role in determining which heat pump is right for you. If your walls have limited space, a floor heat pump could be an excellent solution.

Special needs of residents (elderly, disabled)

For homes with elderly or disabled inhabitants, floor heat pumps are often a better choice. Their floor-level operation makes it easier for individuals who have difficulty moving around.

Installation of Floor Heat Pumps

Process of installation

Floor heat pumps can be installed almost anywhere in the room. This flexibility is because cables and pipes can easily run under the floor. After selecting the right spot for installation, professionals will secure the unit, route the cables and pipes, connect the power, and ensure everything is working correctly.

Choosing the right location

The location of your floor heat pump is crucial to maximize efficiency. The ideal location would be a spot accessible yet discreet, where heat can be distributed evenly throughout the room.

Managing cables and pipes

Cables and pipes attached to your floor heat pump can be managed efficiently by running them under your floor, keeping your space clutter-free and neat.

Cost-Effective Floor Heat Pumps

Top Manufacturers of Floor Heat Pumps


Mitsubishi is a reputable manufacturer of heat pumps, known for their reliability, high quality, and energy-saving features. Their floor models are no exception, offering excellent performance and durability.


Daikin is another well-known name in the world of heat pumps. They offer a wide selection of durable, efficient, and effective floor heat pumps designed to keep your home comfortable all year round.


Panasonic is a renowned manufacturer known for its progressive technology and eco-friendly products. Their floor heat pumps are built to provide efficient, quiet, and dependable service.


Fujitsu offers a range of efficient and powerful floor console models. Known for their technology, Fujitsu’s floor heat pumps can provide consistent comfort throughout your home.

Maintenance of Floor Heat Pumps

Regular cleaning

Keeping your floor heat pump clean is essential for its operation. Regular dusting and cleaning of the outer unit can prevent blockages and ensure an optimum flow of air.

Professional servicing

It’s beneficial to have a professional check your heat pump every couple of years to ensure it’s working correctly. They can spot any likely issues early, extend your unit’s life, and maintain its efficiency.

Preventing common issues

Preventing issues like ice build-up during winter or leaking during summer will also help maintain your heat pump’s efficiency. Stay aware of such common problems and take the necessary steps to prevent them.

Cost-Effective Floor Heat Pumps

Energy Efficiency of Floor Heat Pumps

Energy saving modes

Most floor heat pumps come with energy-saving modes, which, when enabled, ensure the unit runs only when needed, therefore using less energy.

Seasonal efficiency

Floor heat pumps are designed to remain efficient throughout the different seasons, be it hot summer months or cold winters.

Comparison with traditional heating systems

Compared to traditional heating systems, floor heat pumps consume significantly less energy, making them a more energy-efficient alternative.

Cost-Effectiveness of Floor Heat Pumps

Initial purchase and installation costs

The upfront costs of a floor heat pump include its purchase price and installation, which may be higher than other heating systems.

Running costs

Floor heat pumps have lower running costs because of their high energy efficiency. Over time, these savings can offset the cost of purchase and installation.

Long-term savings

In the long run, floor heat pumps can provide substantial savings on energy bills, making them a cost-effective choice for homeowners.

Use of Floor Heat Pumps in Different Seasons

Cooling in summer

Whether you need a cooling system for the summer, floor-mounted heat pumps can effectively cool your home, making them a great all-year-round solution.

Heating in winter

During winter, floor heat pumps efficiently pump heat and provide a comfortable environment, even during intense cold.

All year round use

Floor heat pumps are designed for all-year-round use, making your home warm in winters and cool during summers, offering excellent comfort throughout.

Conclusion: Are Floor Heat Pumps a Good Investment?

Weighing the pros and cons

Like any home improvement decision, investing in a floor heat pump comes with pros and cons. The upfront cost could be a deterrent, but their energy efficiency, low running cost, and versatility make them an attractive long-term investment.

Making a cost-benefit analysis

When considering a floor heat pump, conduct a cost-benefit analysis. This analysis should factor in the initial costs against the potential energy savings over time.

Personalised advice

If you’re still unsure, seeking personalized advice from a professional can be valuable. They can assess your home, needs and provide a recommendation based on your specific requirements.

In conclusion, while the initial investment may be significant, the long-term benefits, cost savings, and increased comfort levels offered by floor heat pumps make them a worthy addition to your home.

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